Functional Whole Food capsules

Foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition

We often talk about how diets rich in fruits and vegetables are good for your health. But how much do you need to average per day to reap real rewards? An analysis from Harvard indicates that a total of five servings per day of fruits and vegetables offers the strongest health benefits.

Research findings show getting nutrients directly from veggies, fruits & berries consistently in your diet can have a positive impact on a variety of health-related areas, including cardiovascular wellness, immune function, DNA protection, lung function, healthy skin & gums and many others.

Fresh organic veggies & fruits from Farmer’s Markets are the best functional foods. They are superfoods. Coach AWE affiliates with functional foods capsules. How are they made?

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Backed By Doctors. 100% Money Back Guarantee

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Backed By Doctors. 100% Money Back Guarantee

One key component of the Healthy Starts for Families initiative is the Family Health Study. With more than 1.5 million participating families and backed by 20 years of results, the Family Health Study helps you document the lasting, positive effects of the changes you and your family make. Sign up to participate and receive Juice Plus+ capsules or chewables for your child – with a small contribution – for up to four years as a study participant.

A plant-based omega blend to support your vision, brain & heart

Juice Plus has created a100% plant based omega blend of Omegas 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. There is no fishy taste because we're going to the source to get the Omegas and bypassing fish.

You Asked: What Makes The Omega Blend Product Different


Inspiring Healthy Living From Dr. Rachel Smartt